/* * This file is part of the SSH Library * * Copyright (c) 2015 by Aris Adamantiadis * * The SSH Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * The SSH Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with the SSH Library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "libssh/priv.h" #include "libssh/poll.h" #include "libssh/callbacks.h" #include "libssh/session.h" #include #define CHUNKSIZE 4096 #ifdef _WIN32 # ifdef HAVE_IO_H # include # undef open # define open _open # undef close # define close _close # undef read # define read _read # undef unlink # define unlink _unlink # endif /* HAVE_IO_H */ #endif struct ssh_connector_struct { ssh_session session; ssh_channel in_channel; ssh_channel out_channel; socket_t in_fd; socket_t out_fd; ssh_poll_handle in_poll; ssh_poll_handle out_poll; ssh_event event; int in_available; int out_wontblock; struct ssh_channel_callbacks_struct in_channel_cb; struct ssh_channel_callbacks_struct out_channel_cb; enum ssh_connector_flags_e in_flags; enum ssh_connector_flags_e out_flags; }; static int ssh_connector_channel_data_cb(ssh_session session, ssh_channel channel, void *data, uint32_t len, int is_stderr, void *userdata); static int ssh_connector_channel_write_wontblock_cb(ssh_session session, ssh_channel channel, size_t bytes, void *userdata); ssh_connector ssh_connector_new(ssh_session session) { ssh_connector connector; connector = calloc(1, sizeof(struct ssh_connector_struct)); if (connector == NULL){ ssh_set_error_oom(session); return NULL; } connector->session = session; connector->in_fd = SSH_INVALID_SOCKET; connector->out_fd = SSH_INVALID_SOCKET; ssh_callbacks_init(&connector->in_channel_cb); ssh_callbacks_init(&connector->out_channel_cb); connector->in_channel_cb.userdata = connector; connector->in_channel_cb.channel_data_function = ssh_connector_channel_data_cb; connector->out_channel_cb.userdata = connector; connector->out_channel_cb.channel_write_wontblock_function = ssh_connector_channel_write_wontblock_cb; return connector; } void ssh_connector_free (ssh_connector connector) { if (connector->event != NULL){ ssh_connector_remove_event(connector); } if (connector->in_poll != NULL) { ssh_poll_free(connector->in_poll); connector->in_poll = NULL; } if (connector->out_poll != NULL) { ssh_poll_free(connector->out_poll); connector->out_poll = NULL; } if (connector->in_channel != NULL) { ssh_remove_channel_callbacks(connector->in_channel, &connector->in_channel_cb); } if (connector->out_channel != NULL) { ssh_remove_channel_callbacks(connector->out_channel, &connector->out_channel_cb); } free(connector); } int ssh_connector_set_in_channel(ssh_connector connector, ssh_channel channel, enum ssh_connector_flags_e flags) { connector->in_channel = channel; connector->in_fd = SSH_INVALID_SOCKET; connector->in_flags = flags; /* Fallback to default value for invalid flags */ if (!(flags & SSH_CONNECTOR_STDOUT) && !(flags & SSH_CONNECTOR_STDERR)) { connector->in_flags = SSH_CONNECTOR_STDOUT; } return ssh_add_channel_callbacks(channel, &connector->in_channel_cb); } int ssh_connector_set_out_channel(ssh_connector connector, ssh_channel channel, enum ssh_connector_flags_e flags) { connector->out_channel = channel; connector->out_fd = SSH_INVALID_SOCKET; connector->out_flags = flags; /* Fallback to default value for invalid flags */ if (!(flags & SSH_CONNECTOR_STDOUT) && !(flags & SSH_CONNECTOR_STDERR)) { connector->in_flags = SSH_CONNECTOR_STDOUT; } return ssh_add_channel_callbacks(channel, &connector->out_channel_cb); } void ssh_connector_set_in_fd(ssh_connector connector, socket_t fd) { connector->in_fd = fd; connector->in_channel = NULL; } void ssh_connector_set_out_fd(ssh_connector connector, socket_t fd) { connector->out_fd = fd; connector->out_channel = NULL; } /* TODO */ static void ssh_connector_except(ssh_connector connector, socket_t fd) { (void) connector; (void) fd; } /* TODO */ static void ssh_connector_except_channel(ssh_connector connector, ssh_channel channel) { (void) connector; (void) channel; } /** * @internal * * @brief Reset the poll events to be followed for each file descriptors. */ static void ssh_connector_reset_pollevents(ssh_connector connector) { if (connector->in_fd != SSH_INVALID_SOCKET) { if (connector->in_available) { ssh_poll_remove_events(connector->in_poll, POLLIN); } else { ssh_poll_add_events(connector->in_poll, POLLIN); } } if (connector->out_fd != SSH_INVALID_SOCKET) { if (connector->out_wontblock) { ssh_poll_remove_events(connector->out_poll, POLLOUT); } else { ssh_poll_add_events(connector->out_poll, POLLOUT); } } } /** * @internal * * @brief Callback called when a poll event is received on an input fd. */ static void ssh_connector_fd_in_cb(ssh_connector connector) { unsigned char buffer[CHUNKSIZE]; int r; int toread = CHUNKSIZE; int w; int total = 0; int rc; SSH_LOG(SSH_LOG_TRACE, "connector POLLIN event for fd %d", connector->in_fd); if (connector->out_wontblock) { if (connector->out_channel != NULL) { size_t size = ssh_channel_window_size(connector->out_channel); /* Don't attempt reading more than the window */ toread = MIN(size, CHUNKSIZE); } r = read(connector->in_fd, buffer, toread); if (r < 0) { ssh_connector_except(connector, connector->in_fd); return; } if (connector->out_channel != NULL) { if (r == 0) { rc = ssh_channel_send_eof(connector->out_channel); (void)rc; /* TODO Handle rc? */ } else if (r> 0) { /* loop around ssh_channel_write in case our window reduced due to a race */ while (total != r){ if (connector->out_flags & SSH_CONNECTOR_STDOUT) { w = ssh_channel_write(connector->out_channel, buffer + total, r - total); } else { w = ssh_channel_write_stderr(connector->out_channel, buffer + total, r - total); } if (w == SSH_ERROR) { return; } total += w; } } } else if (connector->out_fd != SSH_INVALID_SOCKET) { if (r == 0){ close (connector->out_fd); connector->out_fd = SSH_INVALID_SOCKET; } else { /* * Loop around write in case the write blocks even for CHUNKSIZE * bytes */ while (total != r) { w = write(connector->out_fd, buffer + total, r - total); if (w < 0){ ssh_connector_except(connector, connector->out_fd); return; } total += w; } } } else { ssh_set_error(connector->session, SSH_FATAL, "output socket or channel closed"); return; } connector->out_wontblock = 0; connector->in_available = 0; } else { connector->in_available = 1; } } /** @internal * @brief Callback called when a poll event is received on an output fd */ static void ssh_connector_fd_out_cb(ssh_connector connector){ unsigned char buffer[CHUNKSIZE]; int r; int w; int total = 0; SSH_LOG(SSH_LOG_TRACE, "connector POLLOUT event for fd %d", connector->out_fd); if(connector->in_available){ if (connector->in_channel != NULL){ r = ssh_channel_read_nonblocking(connector->in_channel, buffer, CHUNKSIZE, 0); if(r == SSH_ERROR){ ssh_connector_except_channel(connector, connector->in_channel); return; } else if(r == 0 && ssh_channel_is_eof(connector->in_channel)){ close(connector->out_fd); connector->out_fd = SSH_INVALID_SOCKET; return; } else if(r>0) { /* loop around write in case the write blocks even for CHUNKSIZE bytes */ while (total != r){ w = write(connector->out_fd, buffer + total, r - total); if (w < 0){ ssh_connector_except(connector, connector->out_fd); return; } total += w; } } } else if (connector->in_fd != SSH_INVALID_SOCKET){ /* fallback on the socket input callback */ connector->out_wontblock = 1; ssh_connector_fd_in_cb(connector); } else { ssh_set_error(connector->session, SSH_FATAL, "Output socket or channel closed"); return; } connector->in_available = 0; connector->out_wontblock = 0; } else { connector->out_wontblock = 1; } } /** * @internal * * @brief Callback called when a poll event is received on a file descriptor. * * This is for (input or output. * * @param[in] fd file descriptor receiving the event * * @param[in] revents received Poll(2) events * * @param[in] userdata connector * * @returns 0 */ static int ssh_connector_fd_cb(ssh_poll_handle p, socket_t fd, int revents, void *userdata) { ssh_connector connector = userdata; (void)p; if (revents & POLLERR) { ssh_connector_except(connector, fd); } else if((revents & POLLIN) && fd == connector->in_fd) { ssh_connector_fd_in_cb(connector); } else if((revents & POLLOUT) && fd == connector->out_fd) { ssh_connector_fd_out_cb(connector); } ssh_connector_reset_pollevents(connector); return 0; } /** * @internal * * @brief Callback called when data is received on channel. * * @param[in] data Pointer to the data * * @param[in] len Length of data * * @param[in] is_stderr Set to 1 if the data are out of band * * @param[in] userdata The ssh connector * * @returns Amount of data bytes consumed */ static int ssh_connector_channel_data_cb(ssh_session session, ssh_channel channel, void *data, uint32_t len, int is_stderr, void *userdata) { ssh_connector connector = userdata; int w; size_t window; (void) session; (void) channel; (void) is_stderr; SSH_LOG(SSH_LOG_TRACE,"connector data on channel"); if (is_stderr && !(connector->in_flags & SSH_CONNECTOR_STDERR)) { /* ignore stderr */ return 0; } else if (!is_stderr && !(connector->in_flags & SSH_CONNECTOR_STDOUT)) { /* ignore stdout */ return 0; } if (connector->out_wontblock) { if (connector->out_channel != NULL) { int window_len; window = ssh_channel_window_size(connector->out_channel); window_len = MIN(window, len); /* Route the data to the right exception channel */ if (is_stderr && (connector->out_flags & SSH_CONNECTOR_STDERR)) { w = ssh_channel_write_stderr(connector->out_channel, data, window_len); } else if (!is_stderr && (connector->out_flags & SSH_CONNECTOR_STDOUT)) { w = ssh_channel_write(connector->out_channel, data, window_len); } else if (connector->out_flags & SSH_CONNECTOR_STDOUT) { w = ssh_channel_write(connector->out_channel, data, window_len); } else { w = ssh_channel_write_stderr(connector->out_channel, data, window_len); } if (w == SSH_ERROR) { ssh_connector_except_channel(connector, connector->out_channel); } } else if (connector->out_fd != SSH_INVALID_SOCKET) { w = write(connector->out_fd, data, len); if (w < 0) ssh_connector_except(connector, connector->out_fd); } else { ssh_set_error(session, SSH_FATAL, "output socket or channel closed"); return SSH_ERROR; } connector->out_wontblock = 0; connector->in_available = 0; if ((unsigned int)w < len) { connector->in_available = 1; } ssh_connector_reset_pollevents(connector); return w; } else { connector->in_available = 1; return 0; } } /** * @internal * * @brief Callback called when the channel is free to write. * * @param[in] bytes Amount of bytes that can be written without blocking * * @param[in] userdata The ssh connector * * @returns Amount of data bytes consumed */ static int ssh_connector_channel_write_wontblock_cb(ssh_session session, ssh_channel channel, size_t bytes, void *userdata) { ssh_connector connector = userdata; uint8_t buffer[CHUNKSIZE]; int r, w; (void) channel; SSH_LOG(SSH_LOG_TRACE, "Channel write won't block"); if (connector->in_available) { if (connector->in_channel != NULL) { size_t len = MIN(CHUNKSIZE, bytes); r = ssh_channel_read_nonblocking(connector->in_channel, buffer, len, 0); if (r == SSH_ERROR) { ssh_connector_except_channel(connector, connector->in_channel); } else if(r == 0 && ssh_channel_is_eof(connector->in_channel)){ ssh_channel_send_eof(connector->out_channel); } else if (r > 0) { w = ssh_channel_write(connector->out_channel, buffer, r); if (w == SSH_ERROR) { ssh_connector_except_channel(connector, connector->out_channel); } } } else if (connector->in_fd != SSH_INVALID_SOCKET) { /* fallback on on the socket input callback */ connector->out_wontblock = 1; ssh_connector_fd_in_cb(connector); ssh_connector_reset_pollevents(connector); } else { ssh_set_error(session, SSH_FATAL, "Output socket or channel closed"); return 0; } connector->in_available = 0; connector->out_wontblock = 0; } else { connector->out_wontblock = 1; } return 0; } int ssh_connector_set_event(ssh_connector connector, ssh_event event) { int rc = SSH_OK; if ((connector->in_fd == SSH_INVALID_SOCKET && connector->in_channel == NULL) || (connector->out_fd == SSH_INVALID_SOCKET && connector->out_channel == NULL)) { rc = SSH_ERROR; ssh_set_error(connector->session,SSH_FATAL,"Connector not complete"); goto error; } connector->event = event; if (connector->in_fd != SSH_INVALID_SOCKET) { if (connector->in_poll == NULL) { connector->in_poll = ssh_poll_new(connector->in_fd, POLLIN|POLLERR, ssh_connector_fd_cb, connector); } rc = ssh_event_add_poll(event, connector->in_poll); if (rc != SSH_OK) { goto error; } } if (connector->out_fd != SSH_INVALID_SOCKET) { if (connector->out_poll == NULL) { connector->out_poll = ssh_poll_new(connector->out_fd, POLLOUT|POLLERR, ssh_connector_fd_cb, connector); } rc = ssh_event_add_poll(event, connector->out_poll); if (rc != SSH_OK) { goto error; } } if (connector->in_channel != NULL) { rc = ssh_event_add_session(event, ssh_channel_get_session(connector->in_channel)); if (rc != SSH_OK) goto error; if (ssh_channel_poll_timeout(connector->in_channel, 0, 0) > 0){ connector->in_available = 1; } } if(connector->out_channel != NULL) { ssh_session session = ssh_channel_get_session(connector->out_channel); rc = ssh_event_add_session(event, session); if (rc != SSH_OK) { goto error; } if (ssh_channel_window_size(connector->out_channel) > 0) { connector->out_wontblock = 1; } } error: return rc; } int ssh_connector_remove_event(ssh_connector connector) { ssh_session session; if (connector->in_poll != NULL) { ssh_event_remove_poll(connector->event, connector->in_poll); ssh_poll_free(connector->in_poll); connector->in_poll = NULL; } if (connector->out_poll != NULL) { ssh_event_remove_poll(connector->event, connector->out_poll); ssh_poll_free(connector->out_poll); connector->out_poll = NULL; } if (connector->in_channel != NULL) { session = ssh_channel_get_session(connector->in_channel); ssh_event_remove_session(connector->event, session); connector->in_channel = NULL; } if (connector->out_channel != NULL) { session = ssh_channel_get_session(connector->out_channel); ssh_event_remove_session(connector->event, session); connector->out_channel = NULL; } connector->event = NULL; return SSH_OK; }