/** @mainpage This is the online reference for developing with the libssh library. It documents the libssh C API and the C++ wrapper. @section main-tutorial Tutorial You should start by reading @subpage tutorial, then reading the documentation of the interesting functions as you go. @section main-features Features The libssh library provides: - Full C library functions for manipulating a client-side SSH connection - SSH2 and SSH1 protocol compliant - Fully configurable sessions - Server support - SSH agent authentication support - Support for AES-128, AES-192, AES-256, Blowfish, 3DES in CBC mode, and AES in CTR mode - Supports OpenSSL and GCrypt - Use multiple SSH connections in a same process, at same time - Use multiple channels in the same connection - Thread safety when using different sessions at same time - POSIX-like SFTP (Secure File Transfer) implementation with openssh extension support - SCP implementation - Large file system support (files bigger than 4GB) - RSA and DSS server public key supported - Compression support (with zlib) - Public key (RSA and DSS), password and keyboard-interactive authentication - Full poll()/WSAPoll() support and a poll-emulation for Win32. - Runs and tested under x86_64, x86, ARM, Sparc32, PPC under Linux, BSD, MacOSX, Solaris and Windows */