path: root/src/threads/CMakeLists.txt
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2018-08-03threads: Automatically call ssh_init on loadAnderson Toshiyuki Sasaki1-132/+0
This makes unnecessary to call ssh_init() when the library is dynamically loaded. Also removes the threads shared library. The used threads implementation is chosen in configuration time, changing the ssh_threads_get_default() depending on the available threads library. Internally, it is expected a threads implementation providing: - void ssh_mutex_lock(void **mutex); - void ssh_mutex_unlock(void **mutex); - struct ssh_threads_callbacks_struct *ssh_threads_get_default(void); and a crypto implementation providing: - int crypto_thread_init(struct ssh_threads_callbacks_struct *user_callbacks); - void crypto_thread_finalize(void); This adds internal threads implementation for pthreads and noop. Signed-off-by: Anderson Toshiyuki Sasaki <ansasaki@redhat.com> Reviewed-by: Andreas Schneider <asn@cryptomilk.org>
2015-09-07cmake: Handle libssh threas library correctlyAndreas Schneider1-2/+7
This should fix the build on Windows and would not install pkg files. Signed-off-by: Andreas Schneider <asn@cryptomilk.org>
2014-05-27cmake: Fix the build on Windows.Andreas Schneider1-66/+68
2011-06-01cmake: Fix static .lib overwriting on Windows.Andreas Schneider1-3/+20
2010-09-09build: Remove unneeded debug message.Andreas Schneider1-2/+0
2010-09-08build: Improve pthread detection.Andreas Schneider1-2/+2
2010-09-08build: Make sure LIBSSH_THREADS_LINK_LIBRARIES is in the cache.Andreas Schneider1-5/+7
2010-09-08build: Fixed linking against libssh in thread library.Andreas Schneider1-2/+2
2010-09-06Implemented the noop and native pointersAris Adamantiadis1-1/+0
2010-09-06threads: Build a libssh threading library.Andreas Schneider1-0/+109