path: root/libssh/keys.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2009-09-26More include file splittingAris Adamantiadis1-0/+2
2009-09-25Fixed building with Gcrypt and arith with void*Aris Adamantiadis1-15/+15
2009-09-23Get rid of CRYPTOAris Adamantiadis1-3/+3
2009-09-23Moved lots of declaration out of priv.hAris Adamantiadis1-7/+10
2009-09-23get rid of SSH_SESSIONAris Adamantiadis1-8/+8
2009-08-23Merge branch 'master' of git://git.libssh.org/projects/libssh/libsshAris Adamantiadis1-1/+0
2009-08-23experimental callback systemAris Adamantiadis1-1/+1
2009-08-16Fix double free pointer crash in dsa_public_to_stringVic Lee1-1/+0
2009-07-27Public key authentication server sidemilo1-0/+66
2009-07-25Fix conflicting declarations of ssh_session and ssh_kbdint.Andreas Schneider1-1/+1
2009-07-24Change PRIVATE_KEY * to ssh_private_keyAris Adamantiadis1-3/+3
2009-07-24Changed all PUBLIC_KEY * to ssh_public_keyAris Adamantiadis1-14/+14
2009-07-24Changed all occurences of BUFFER * to ssh_bufferAris Adamantiadis1-11/+11
2009-07-24Change all occurences of STRING * to ssh_stringAris Adamantiadis1-45/+45
2009-07-24Fixed namespace problem in public structuresAris Adamantiadis1-4/+4
2009-05-12Fix the vim modeline and place it at the end of the file.Andreas Schneider1-2/+1
2009-04-18Simplify signature_from_string() a bit.Andreas Schneider1-30/+13
2009-04-18Add error checks to ssh_do_sign_with_agent() and fix a memleak.Andreas Schneider1-2/+17
2009-04-18Replace some strcmp with switch to make it a bit faster.Andreas Schneider1-34/+30
2009-04-18Make use of ssh_type_from_name().Andreas Schneider1-3/+3
2009-04-18Some cleanup for publickey_to_string().Andreas Schneider1-2/+2
2009-04-18Fix segfault with gcrypt.Andreas Schneider1-5/+8
2009-04-18Add more error checks to ssh_sign_session_id().Andreas Schneider1-50/+75
2009-04-18Fix a segfault if we try to a signature.Andreas Schneider1-1/+4
2009-04-18Add more error checks to RSA_do_sign().Andreas Schneider1-21/+30
2009-04-18Add more error checks to signature_from_string().Andreas Schneider1-110/+176
2009-04-18Add error checks to signature_to_string().Andreas Schneider1-69/+133
2009-04-18Add check for the return value of gcry_sexp_find_token().Andreas Schneider1-2/+47
2009-04-18Add more error checks to ssh_encrypt_rsa1().Andreas Schneider1-26/+56
2009-04-18Add more error checks to ssh_do_sign().Andreas Schneider1-60/+83
2009-04-17Don't leak memory in publickey_make_* functions.Andreas Schneider1-1/+4
2009-04-17Revert commit 530.Andreas Schneider1-4/+1
2009-04-17Don't leak memory in error path.Andreas Schneider1-1/+4
2009-04-17Revert commit 527.Andreas Schneider1-10/+3
2009-04-17Don't leak memory.Andreas Schneider1-3/+10
2009-04-08Add error checking to publickey to string functions.Andreas Schneider1-82/+173
2009-04-08Add error checking to publickey_from_privatekey().Andreas Schneider1-67/+152
2009-04-08Add error checking to publickey_from_string().Andreas Schneider1-28/+43
2009-04-08Add error checking to publickey_make_rsa().Andreas Schneider1-32/+65
2009-04-08Add error checking to publickey_make_dss().Andreas Schneider1-39/+73
2009-04-05Use const where it should be used.Andreas Schneider1-1/+1
2009-04-05Fix build warnings.Andreas Schneider1-2/+3
2009-04-04Improve key free functions.Andreas Schneider1-33/+37
2009-04-01Add memory error checks for crypto wrapper functions.Andreas Schneider1-2/+9
2009-04-01Fix memory error checking in key functions.Andreas Schneider1-14/+72
2009-03-29Normalize the license in all files and add vim tab instructions.Andreas Schneider1-20/+23
2009-03-11Replace ssh_say with ssh_log.Andreas Schneider1-3/+2
2009-02-06Fix the ifdefs.Andreas Schneider1-1/+1
2009-02-06Add missing ifdef for ssh-agent support.Andreas Schneider1-0/+2
2009-02-06Complete ssh client agent support.Andreas Schneider1-0/+51