AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2018-12-24Bump version to 0.8.6libssh-0.8.6Andreas Schneider3-2/+13
2018-12-24Bump SO version to 4.7.3Andreas Schneider3-2/+417
2018-12-13channels: Don't call ssh_channel_close() twiceAndreas Schneider1-0/+5
2018-12-10packet: Allow SSH2_MSG_EXT_INFO when authenticatedAnderson Toshiyuki Sasaki2-1/+36
2018-12-10channels: Send close if we received a remote closeAndreas Schneider1-2/+24
2018-12-10channels: Reformat ssh_channel_free()Andreas Schneider1-20/+21
2018-12-10channel: Add SSH_CHANNEL_FLAG_CLOSED_LOCALAndreas Schneider2-3/+9
2018-12-10channel: Reformat ssh_channel_close()Andreas Schneider1-35/+37
2018-11-30sftp: Do not overwrite errors set by channel functionsAndreas Schneider1-1/+4
2018-11-30tests: Test calling ssh_init() after ssh_finalize()Anderson Toshiyuki Sasaki1-0/+17
2018-11-30libcrypto: Fix access violation in ssh_init()Anderson Toshiyuki Sasaki1-0/+8
2018-11-30tests: Verify that signatures are sane and can not be verified by non-matchin...Jakub Jelen1-0/+220
2018-11-30pki: Sanitize input to verificationJakub Jelen3-1/+25
2018-11-30pki: Return default RSA key type for DIGEST_AUTOJakub Jelen1-0/+1
2018-11-30pki: Verify the provided public key has expected typeJakub Jelen3-0/+24
2018-11-30pki: Sanity-check signature matches base key typeJakub Jelen1-0/+6
2018-11-30tests: Do not require base RSA type for SHA2 extension whitelistJakub Jelen1-2/+2
2018-11-30packet_cb: Properly verify the signature typeJakub Jelen1-4/+4
2018-11-30pki: Separate signature extraction and verificationJakub Jelen4-28/+34
2018-11-30pki: Set correct type for imported signaturesJakub Jelen3-3/+6
2018-11-30pki: Use self-explanatory variable namesJakub Jelen1-10/+10
2018-11-30The largest ECDSA key has 521 bitsJakub Jelen6-6/+6
2018-11-30pki_gcrypt: Do not abort on bad signatureJakub Jelen1-1/+0
2018-11-23server: Do not send SSH_MSG_EXT_INFO after rekeyJakub Jelen1-8/+10
2018-11-23kex: Do not negotiate extensions during rekeyJakub Jelen1-0/+5
2018-11-23tests: Verify setting NULL knownhosts does not crashJakub Jelen1-0/+11
2018-11-23options: Do not crash when setting knownhosts to NULL (T108)Jakub Jelen1-6/+1
2018-11-21gcrypt: Bugfix for very slow ecdhAris Adamantiadis1-1/+1
2018-11-21socket: Add missing bracesTilo Eckert1-1/+1
2018-11-20socket: Remove redundant codeTilo Eckert1-3/+0
2018-11-20socket: Fix potential buffer overrunTilo Eckert1-10/+2
2018-11-20pki: Fix typos in documentationTilo Eckert1-2/+3
2018-11-20packet: Fix timeout on hostkey type mismatch instead of proper errorTilo Eckert1-1/+1
2018-11-20packets: Fix ssh_send_keepalive()Nicolas Viennot3-27/+14
2018-11-20COPYING: Reformat the last paragraphAndreas Schneider1-2/+11
2018-11-15tests: Fix chroot_wrapper locationAndreas Schneider1-1/+1
2018-11-15tests: Ensure the ssh session fd is read-/writeable in torture_proxycommandSanne Raymaekers1-0/+6
2018-11-08knownhosts: Take StrictHostKeyChecking option into accountSanne Raymaekers2-0/+41
2018-11-08crypto: Fix compilation for OpenSSL without deprecated APIsRosen Penev3-2/+6
2018-11-06cmake: Refresh the CMake Config filesChristophe Giboudeaux4-29/+27
2018-11-02tests: Improve error reporting in auth testJakub Jelen1-12/+12
2018-11-02tests: Typo -- the flags should be checked according to the commentJakub Jelen1-1/+1
2018-11-02knownhosts: Make sure we have both knownhosts files readyJakub Jelen1-1/+2
2018-11-02client: Reformat commentJakub Jelen1-2/+2
2018-11-02tests/pkd: Properly clean up memoryJakub Jelen2-1/+3
2018-11-02session: Drop unused structure member (SSHv1)Jakub Jelen1-2/+0
2018-11-02misc: Properly check for errors returned from getpwuid_r()Jakub Jelen1-4/+4
2018-11-02misc: Reformat ssh_get_user_home_dir and ssh_file_readaccess_okJakub Jelen1-25/+28
2018-10-29Bump version to 0.8.5libssh-0.8.5Andreas Schneider3-2/+13
2018-10-29Bump SO version to 4.7.2Andreas Schneider3-2/+417